Ours is an extra virgin olive oil from early harvest and from trees grown at an altitude of 1000m with regenerative techniques that improve soil and biodiversity, creating a productive and unique ecosystem. This tasty high quality olive oil is ready to be enjoyed with the dish of your choosing.
“More than an organic oil”
With Cortesano, natural conservation and restoration go together with production, which makes our oil more than just an organic product.
Nutritional value:
A recent study from the University of Jerash in Jordan has found that olives cultivated at a higher elevation produce higher quality oils.
Our oil contains a greater proportion of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids, especially oleic acid, which is considered to be the principal and most important acid in the composition of olive oil. Furthermore it contains substances with antioxidant properties which are beneficial to your health as they contribute to reducing cholesterol, helping to prevent cardiovascular disease or reducing heartburn.