La Sabina Milenaria
The winegrowing project of Sabina Milenaria, SCA has a global focus when it comes to the means of grape-growing and oenological production, which is based on the singular characteristics of the territory where the vineyards are located.
Theirs is a fine-tuned wine production which takes into account the protection of the environment by applying conservationist and regenerative grape-growing techniques, beneficial for the soil, with an aim to make unique high-quality wine that promotes good health and at the same time attends to other values such as the preservation of the historical, cultural and natural heritage.
The wines of La Sabina Milenaria SCA come from organic vineyards grown with regenerative techniques that preserve the soil underneath. In this way all of the inherent characteristics of the region in which the grapes are grown are preserved. The wines are elaborated in the bodega with purely physical methods without the interference of products external to our vineyards; they are fermented with the natural yeasts of our grapevines conferring them the unique properties of the territory. Furthermore the sulfur levels of the wines are so insignificant that they can be considered as wines without sulfites. These are factors that allow each vintage to be a unique and incomparable organic mountain wine produced with regenerative agricultural techniques.
What does Re-Generation mean to you? And what are you going to do about it?
It has become clear that intensive conventional agriculture and the ways we have treated the land over the last few decades are responsible for the current soil, water and climate crises.
But if people were the problem, could they also be the solution? Can regenerative agricultural practices turn the tide in the fight against the degradation of both soil and rural life?
Inspired by Regeneration’s efforts in the Spanish Altiplano, the first batch of a novel almond butter flavor was born right where it all began: at the Junquera estate. Before long the jars were empty, and so the great grind began…!